Five Surveys Review: Is It A Legit Paid Online Survey Site?

In the digital age, finding legitimate ways to earn extra income online is a common pursuit. Among the myriad of options available, paid online surveys offer an accessible and straightforward method to make some extra cash. One such platform that is gaining attention is Five Surveys. This review delves into its legitimacy, how it works, and whether it’s worth your time.

What is Five Surveys?

Five Surveys is an emerging platform that allows users to earn money by participating in online surveys. The site promises compensation in the form of cash or gift cards for completing surveys provided by various market research companies. The premise is simple: companies need consumer feedback to improve their products and services, and they are willing to pay for it.

How Does Five Surveys Work?

The process of using Five Surveys is relatively straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown:

1. Registration

To start, users need to sign up on the Five Surveys website. The registration process involves filling out some basic personal information, which helps match you with relevant surveys. It’s crucial to provide accurate information to ensure you receive appropriate survey opportunities.

2. Survey Participation

Once registered, users can browse available surveys or wait for invitations sent via email. Each survey lists the estimated time to complete and the reward offered. Surveys typically cover various topics, including consumer products, services, advertising effectiveness, and more.

3. Completing Surveys

Participants must complete the surveys honestly and thoroughly. Survey lengths vary, ranging from a few minutes to over half an hour. Upon completion, users are credited with the promised reward, which accumulates in their account.

4. Redeeming Rewards

After reaching a certain threshold, usually around $10 to $20, users can cash out their earnings through PayPal or choose from an array of gift card options. The payout process typically takes a few business days to complete.

Is Five Surveys Legitimate?

Determining the legitimacy of an online survey platform involves examining several factors, including user reviews, payment proof, and the company’s transparency. Here are a few critical points regarding Five Surveys:

User Reviews

A perusal of user reviews reveals a mix of opinions. Some users report a positive experience, citing timely payments and a decent selection of surveys. Others complain about disqualifications from surveys after spending significant time on them or low earnings relative to the time invested.

Payment Proof

There are numerous claims of successful payouts from the platform, with users posting screenshots of their earnings and payment confirmations. These instances lend credibility to Five Surveys’ promise of paying for completed work.


Five Surveys appears to be transparent about its operations, clearly detailing the process, potential earnings, and the terms and conditions on their website. Transparency is a positive indicator of a site’s legitimacy.

Pros and Cons of Five Surveys

To provide a balanced perspective, let’s weigh the pros and cons of using Five Surveys:


  • Free to join and easy to use.
  • Provides multiple options for redeeming rewards.
  • Wide range of survey topics catering to various interests.
  • Potential for consistent, albeit small, supplementary income.


  • Survey disqualifications can be frequent and frustrating.
  • Low earning potential compared to time invested.
  • Occasional delays in payment processing.
  • Limited number of surveys available at times.

Conclusion: Is Five Surveys Worth Your Time?

Five Surveys is a legitimate platform that offers an opportunity to earn some extra income by completing online surveys. However, it’s important to set realistic expectations. The platform won’t replace a full-time job but can provide a modest supplementary income for those willing to invest the time.

Ultimately, whether Five Surveys is worth your time depends on your personal situation and goals. If you’re looking for an easy way to earn a bit of money during your free time and enjoy sharing your opinions, Five Surveys can be a viable option. Just remember to approach it with patience and understand that the earnings, while real, are limited.

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