Welcome to GIFIM.COM (the “Site”). These Terms and Conditions govern your use of the Site and its related services, including any content, functionality, and services offered on or through the Site. By accessing or using the Site, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with any part of these terms, please do not use our Site.

Use of the Site


You must be at least 18 years old to use this Site. By using the Site, you represent and warrant that you are at least 18 years of age and have the legal capacity to enter into these Terms and Conditions.

Account Responsibility

When you create an account with us, you must provide information that is accurate, complete, and current at all times. Failure to do so constitutes a breach of the Terms and Conditions, which may result in immediate termination of your account on our Site.

You are responsible for safeguarding the password that you use to access the Site and for any activities or actions under your password. You agree not to disclose your password to any third party. You must notify us immediately upon becoming aware of any breach of security or unauthorized use of your account.

Intellectual Property


The Site and its original content, features, and functionality are and will remain the exclusive property of GIFIM.COM and its licensors. The Site is protected by copyright, trademark, and other laws of both the United States and foreign countries. Our trademarks and trade dress may not be used in connection with any product or service without the prior written consent of GIFIM.COM.

Limited License

We grant you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and revocable license to access and use the Site for personal and non-commercial purposes, in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. You agree not to use the Site for any other purpose.

Prohibited Uses

You may use the Site only for lawful purposes and in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. You agree not to use the Site:

  • In any way that violates any applicable federal, state, local, or international law or regulation.
  • For the purpose of exploiting, harming, or attempting to exploit or harm minors in any way by exposing them to inappropriate content or otherwise.
  • To transmit, or procure the sending of, any advertising or promotional material, including any “junk mail,” “chain letter,” “spam,” or any other similar solicitation.
  • To impersonate or attempt to impersonate GIFIM.COM, a GIFIM.COM employee, another user, or any other person or entity.
  • To engage in any other conduct that restricts or inhibits anyone’s use or enjoyment of the Site, or which, as determined by us, may harm GIFIM.COM or users of the Site or expose them to liability.

Additionally, you agree not to:

  • Use the Site in any manner that could disable, overburden, damage, or impair the site or interfere with any other party’s use of the Site.
  • Use any robot, spider, or other automatic device, process, or means to access the Site for any purpose, including monitoring or copying any of the material on the Site.
  • Use any manual process to monitor or copy any of the material on the Site or for any other unauthorized purpose without our prior written consent.
  • Use any device, software, or routine that interferes with the proper working of the Site.
  • Introduce any viruses, trojan horses, worms, logic bombs, or other material which is malicious or technologically harmful.
  • Attempt to gain unauthorized access to, interfere with, damage, or disrupt any parts of the Site, the server on which the Site is stored, or any server, computer, or database connected to the Site.
  • Attack the Site via a denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial-of-service attack.
  • Otherwise attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Site.


User Contributions

The Site may contain message boards, chat rooms, personal web pages or profiles, forums, bulletin boards, and other interactive features (collectively, “Interactive Services”) that allow users to post, submit, publish, display, or transmit to other users or other persons (hereinafter, “post”) content or materials (collectively, “User Contributions”) on or through the Site.

All User Contributions must comply with the Content Standards set out in these Terms and Conditions.

Any User Contribution you post to the Site will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary. By providing any User Contribution on the Site, you grant us and our affiliates and service providers, and each of their and our respective licensees, successors, and assigns the right to use, reproduce, modify, perform, display, distribute, and otherwise disclose to third parties any such material for any purpose.

You represent and warrant that:

  • You own or control all rights in and to the User Contributions and have the right to grant the license granted above to us and our affiliates and service providers, and each of their and our respective licensees, successors, and assigns.
  • All of your User Contributions do and will comply with these Terms and Conditions.

Content Standards

These content standards apply to any and all User Contributions and use of Interactive Services. User Contributions must in their entirety comply with all applicable federal, state, local, and international laws and regulations. Without limiting the foregoing, User Contributions must not:

  • Contain any material that is defamatory, obscene, indecent, abusive, offensive, harassing, violent, hateful, inflammatory, or otherwise objectionable.
  • Promote sexually explicit or pornographic material, violence, or discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age.
  • Infringe any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other intellectual property or other rights of any other person.
  • Violate the legal rights (including the rights of publicity and privacy) of others or contain any material that could give rise to any civil or criminal liability under applicable laws or regulations or that otherwise may be in conflict with these Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Policy.
  • Be likely to deceive any person.
  • Promote any illegal activity, or advocate, promote, or assist any unlawful act.
  • Cause annoyance, inconvenience, or needless anxiety or be likely to upset, embarrass, alarm, or annoy any other person.
  • Impersonate any person, or misrepresent your identity or affiliation with any person or organization.
  • Involve commercial activities or sales, such as contests, sweepstakes, and other sales promotions, barter, or advertising.
  • Give the impression that they emanate from or are endorsed by us or any other person or entity if this is not the case.


We may terminate or suspend your account and bar access to the Site immediately, without prior notice or liability, under our sole discretion, for any reason whatsoever and without limitation, including but not limited to a breach of the Terms and Conditions.

If you wish to terminate your account, you may simply discontinue using the Site.

All provisions of the Terms and Conditions which by their nature should survive termination shall survive termination, including, without limitation, ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers, indemnity, and limitations of liability.

Limitation of Liability

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall GIFIM.COM, its affiliates, directors, employees, agents, licensors, or service providers be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages, including without limitation, loss of profits, data, use, goodwill, or other intangible losses, resulting from (i) your access to or use of or inability to access or use the Site; (ii) any conduct or content of any third party on the Site; (iii) any content obtained from the Site; and (iv) unauthorized access, use, or alteration of your transmissions or content, whether based on warranty, contract, tort (including negligence), or any other legal theory, whether or not we have been informed of the possibility of such damage.


The Site is provided on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. GIFIM.COM makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the operation of the Site or the information, content, materials, or products included on the Site. You expressly agree that your use of the Site is at your sole risk.

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, GIFIM.COM disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. GIFIM.COM does not warrant that the Site, its servers, or email sent from GIFIM.COM are free of viruses or other harmful components.

Governing Law

These Terms and Conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of [Your State], and you irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in that State or location.

Changes to These Terms and Conditions

We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify or replace these Terms and Conditions at any time. If a revision is material, we will provide at least 30 days’ notice prior to any new terms taking effect. What constitutes a material change will be determined at our sole discretion. By continuing to access or use our Site after those revisions become effective, you agree to be bound by the revised terms. If you do not agree to the new terms, please stop using the Site.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions, please contact us.